Confluent Services Partner Ecosystem Analysis
Founded in 2014, Confluent ( was created to commercialize Apache Kafka, an open-source platform for handling data streams. Its founders at LinkedIn developed Apache Kafka in 2008 to build real-time data pipelines, stream processing, and pub-sub capabilities, all in a distributed, fault-tolerant architecture.
With over 30,000 clusters operating in the Confluent Cloud, the platform processes more than 3 trillion messages per day and handles over 1 exabyte of data annually. To help with platform adoption and maintenance, Confluent created a partner program that includes consulting and systems integration companies.
Confluent Regional Services Partner Distribution
After cleaning up the data for duplicates and merged companies, we ended up with 628 worldwide Confluent services partners, from niche data engineering companies to global SIs. The following table outlines the geographical distribution of these partners:
Europe has a third of partners, with North America coming in second. As is typical with technology services companies, Asia (primarily India) houses most of the talent for this universe of firms.
Confluent Services Partner Distribution by Size
Consulting companies of all sizes are part of Confluent’s program. The distribution of partners by size is presented below:
More than half of all partners are small services firms with fewer than 100 employees, highlighting significant fragmentation within the space.
At Alten Capital we invest in technology services and consulting companies. Please contact us to explore potential partnerships.