
BigCommerce Services Partner Ecosystem Analysis

Written by Alten Capital | February 20, 2025

Founded in 2009, BigCommerce (Nasdaq: BIGC) is a composable e-commerce platform businesses in over 150 countries use to build and grow their online presence. The company’s solutions provide commerce enterprise-level functionality, development flexibility, and performance while maintaining an intuitive user experience (

BigCommerce Services Partners by Region

After cleaning the data by removing duplicates and consolidating merged companies, we have approximately 977 services partners worldwide. The distribution of these partners by region is detailed below.

Half of the services partners are headquartered in North America, with a third of the overall talent employed by these companies. This ecosystem has a higher talent share in North America than other ecosystems we analyzed (with talent primarily based in Asia). 

BigCommerce Services Partners by Size

The distribution of consulting partners by size is as follows: 

BigCommerce consulting partners are boutique firms with fewer than 50 employees. Effectively, all consulting partners have fewer than 500 employees, highlighting significant fragmentation within this ecosystem.

Alten Capital invests in technology services and consulting companies. Please contact us to explore potential partnerships.